
12/31Comiket103 "BlackDwarf"西ち-03b


I'm going to go to the second day of Comiket103 as "BlackDwarf (west ち03b)". 新刊は「Hornpot and Clawdia Clawdia's Study(成人向け)」既刊「Bonyeer the Aromatic theWolf's Night」の予定です。ご予定のある方は是非是非ご来訪くださいませ(UvU My selling items are "Hornpot and Clawdia Clawdia's Study (for adult)" as the new comic and "Bonyeer the Aromatic theWolf's Night". I'm looking forward to seeing you there.(UvU
下記同人通販ショップにて新刊の予約・販売受付中です。It's available to pre-order and purchase the new comic here; MelonBooks... https://melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=2183094 Alice Books... https://alice-books.com/item/show/2503-21

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02/16 COMITIA151「BlackDwarf(い33a)」

  02/16COMITIA151「BlackDwarf(い33a)」にて参加します。新刊はコピ本2冊を予定しております(UvU 今年最初のイベントのイベントですね。