
08/12コミックマーケット94「BlackDwarf ( や-04a)」

08/12コミックマーケット94は「BlackDwarf ( や-04a)」にてサークル参加します。
As for Comiket94, I'm gonna take part in Comiket94 the biggest comics con in Japan form August 1oth to 12th. My circle “BlackDwarf” space number is “や04a” on 12th.

新刊は「Bonyeer the Aromatic in the Zombie Island」(オンデマンド)
です。 my new comic is ”Bonyeer the Aromatic in the Zombie Island”

About pre-ordering and mail-ordering, it's available to do here. If you have a palpay account, I can send you this book after August 12th, needs the postage.

AliceBooks(available to ship for overseas)…http://alice-books.com/item/show/2503-15
ComicZIN(available from August 12th)…https://shop.comiczin.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=37128

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